is with him This expression seems to imply a more than ordinary participation of the divine Spirit. The more usual phrase is -The word of the Lord came to" (cf. Genesis 15:1; 1 Samuel 15:10 &c.). And even the -sons of the prophets" recognized that Elijah and after him Elisha were preeminently endowed with gifts from God.

went down to him Such a man was not to be lightly summoned, and at such a crisis all reverence would be shewn to one on whose words it seemed that the chance of relief greatly depended. It may be that the phrase -go down" is used here also because the tents of the kings would stand above the host. Josephus tells us that the tent of Elisha was outside the camp, which is very improbable. Bp Hall remarks here: -It was news, to see three kings going down to the servant of him who ran before the chariot of Ahab. Religion and necessity have both of them much power of humiliation. I know not whether more. Either zeal or need will make a prophet honoured".

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