The child of the Shunammite dies, and is restored to life by Elisha (Not in Chronicles)

18. And when the child was grown During the years which had elapsed since the birth of the child the journeys of the prophet between Samaria and Carmel had no doubt still continued, and the feeling of reverence felt by the Shunammite at first, had grown, as we see from the subsequent narrative, into complete trust, a trust which sends her to Carmel when her sorrow comes, and makes her cling to Elisha as her chief hope for relief. -As the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee".

to his father to the reapers The whole picture is of a well-to-do home, where all was abundant. The husband is of the condition of Boaz (Ruth 2:1), and servants of various kinds are ready for every duty.

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