So Joram went[R.V. Then Joram passed] over to Zair The name Zair is only found here. In the parallel passage of 2 Chronicles 21. we find -with his princes" instead of -to Zair", and as there is some similarity of sound between the two Hebrew forms, it has been thought by some that there is a mistake in Kings from some misreading of the scribe. Others have suggested that -Zair" is for -Zoar", through which place troops marching from Judæa into Edom would have to pass. Others with much more probability have taken Zair (צעיר), to be a miswriting for Seir (שׂעיר) the name of the mountain ridge which extends southward from the Dead Sea through the desert. It is true -Seir" is not named elsewhere by the writer of Kings, but there seems to be no occasion where he might be expected to mention it.

and he rose[R.V. inserts up] by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him about Joram appears to have been surrounded by the Edomite forces, and for some time to have had the worst of the contest. It was only by a sudden sally in the night time that he forced his way out, and escaped. The captains of the Edomite chariots, mentioned here, most likely formed the outer circle of the enclosing force, and through them Joram passed last.

and the people fled into[R.V. to] their tents -The people" are the army of Joram, which after escaping from their encircling enemy made the best of their way home, feeling that Edom was too strong for them.

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