2 Kings 9:1

2 Kings 9:1-10. Elisha sends one of the sons of the prophets to anoint Jehu, and give him his commission (Not in Chronicles) _And Elisha the prophet called one of the children_[R.V. SONS] _of the prophets_ -Children gives a wrong idea. The prophetic communities were formed of men who came together... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:2

_Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi_ Jehu was no doubt well known both in the army and elsewhere, and his afterlife shews that he was a man of action and with very slight scruples. The watchman on the tower in Jezreel knows his manner of riding, and there seems to have been little hesitat... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:3

_Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed thee_ -God who would not countenance (by anointing) the erection of that usurped throne, would countenance the alteration. Or is it that by this visible testimony of divine ordination the courage of the Israelitish captains might be raised up, to second the high... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:5

_the captains of the host_were _sitting_ Perhaps discussing some matter connected with the defence of the city. Jehu is the one who speaks to the new-comer. We may take it that he was the moving spirit in the war-council, and hence had gained a popularity beyond that of king Joram.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:6

_went into the house_ The council was sitting in the courtyard, a place which in Eastern houses can be kept somewhat private. _over the people of the Lord, even over Israel_ Though the northern kingdom had cast aside the true worship of Jehovah, and followed readily in the ways of Jeroboam, yet the... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:7

_thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master_ The punishment of Ahab had been postponed because of his repentance (1 Kings 21:29) but the sins of the father, which have blossomed and borne evil fruit in his children, will at last be thoroughly punished. The instrument chosen is one who had been in... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:8

On this verse see the notes on 1 Kings 14:10. The entire family is doomed. God will cut off from Ahab EVERY MAN CHILD. (R.V.) _and_him that is _shut up and left in Israel_ R.V. HIM THAT IS SHUT UP AND HIM THAT IS LEFT AT LARGE IN ISRAEL. The phrase is intended to embrace every one, young or old, bo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:9

_like the house of Jeroboam_ Against whom the like prophecy is spoken in 1 Kings 14:10, and against Baasha in 1 Kings 16:3-4.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:10

_the dogs shall eat Jezebel_ This fate had been foretold by Elijah 1 Kings 21:23. The dogs in Eastern cities prowl hungrily about, and act as scavengers. Hence they are in bad repute, and the name -dog" is one of greatest contempt. To be devoured by them was the extreme of degradation and penalty to... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:11

Jehu is proclaimed, and goes to Jezreel. Joram is slain, and his body cast into the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite (Not in Chronicles) 11. _to the servants of his lord_ i.e. To the other captains with whom he had before been in conference. They were all Joram's officers. _wherefore came this mad... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:12

It is _false_ In the bluntest way they make Jehu understand that his answer is a mere subterfuge, and that in spite of having called the prophet a madman, they feel that he has not come without some special errand. _Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed thee_ It is worthy of notice how constantly th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:13

_Then they hasted_ The LXX. gives -they heard it and hastened". This action on the part of the generals shews how little they were attached to the house of Ahab. _took every man his garment_ The loose Oriental robe which could easily be laid aside, and which they probably had laid aside or allowed... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:14

_conspired against Joram_ The verb has the notion of -binding". Hence it implies here that Jehu made a league with the other generals to carry out the deposition and slaying of Joram. The word in the form here used is found again 2 Chronicles 24:25-26 of those who combined -to execute judgement" on... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:15

_But king Joram was returned_ Though he was at Jezreel professedly for the cure of his wounds, Joram was sufficiently recovered to be able to entertain Ahaziah, and also to go forth in his chariot to meet Jehu. If he stayed in his capital thus, while the army was in force at Ramoth-gilead and fully... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:16

_went to Jezreel_ After these words the LXX. has "for Joram king of Israel was being cured in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians gave him in Ramoth in the battle with Hazael king of Syria, for he was a mighty man and man of power". _And Ahaziah king of Judah was come down to see Joram_ This vi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:17

_And there stood a watchman_ R.V. NOW THE WATCHMAN STOOD. While such danger was threatening one part of the land, and the army was in the field, the watchman would be kept permanently on the lookout for any messenger that might be seen coming. The tower was probably some lofty part of the royal pala... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:18

_What hast thou to do with peace?_ What concern is it of thine whether I come peaceably or not? My errand is not to thee. Josephus says the messenger's enquiry was about affairs in the camp, for that the king's questions were about them. Jehu bade him not to worry about these things but to follow hi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:20

_the driving_is _like the driving of Jehu_ It is clear from this that Jehu was well known, and the manner in which he would lead forward his men was unmistakeable. _the son of Nimshi_ Really -grandson", see verse 2, and the note on chapter 2 Kings 8:28. _he driveth furiously_ The word rendered -fu... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:21

_Make ready_ Literally as in margin of R.V. -yoke". The mention of Jehu has shewn Joram that the reason must be a weighty one which brings the commander of the army from Ramoth at full speed. So he goes to meet him that he may know what has happened. Apparently he set forth without any body guard, a... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:22

_What peace_ i.e. How can there be any peace, while the evil doings of Jezebel continue as great as before. By -whoredoms" the Scripture writers continually signify -the practice of idolatry" and that is probably the sense here. Cf. Exodus 34:15-16; Deuteronomy 31:6: Judges 8:27; Jeremiah 3:6 &c. -T... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:24

_drew a_[R.V. HIS] _bow with his full strength_ Literally as on margin of R.V. -filled his hand with the bow", which expresses the attitude of a bowman as he shoots. _between his arms_ As he was in flight, the arrow passed between his shoulders and so went through the breast. He was mortally wounde... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:25

_rode together after Ahab his father_ Jehu had long experience of the doings of Ahab's family, and had not forgotten the prophetic words of Elijah. -Little did he think when he heard that message that his hands would act it" (Bp Hall). By -riding together after Ahab" we are not to understand that th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:26

_the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons_ It appears from this that Jezebel in order that she might put all claimants out of the way, had caused the family of Naboth to be killed as well as himself. So Ahab's son pays the penalty of his father's wrongdoing, and both father and son are brought... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:27

Death of Ahaziah king of Judah (2 Chronicles 22:7-9) 27. by _the way of the garden house_ The events took place close to the royal grounds, for Naboth's vineyard lay in the neighbourhood. The garden house may have been some building at the extremity of the domain by which flight from the scene of d... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:28

_his servants carried him_in a chariot to _Jerusalem_ As is seen afterwards by his conduct in Jezebel's case Jehu had no wish to deprive the kin of Ahab of regal burial after they were slain. Hence the servants of Ahaziah would be allowed to carry their master's body to Jerusalem without molestation... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:29

_And in the eleventh year of Joram_… began _Ahaziah to reign_ This verse seems out of place. It is not usual to mention the date at which a king begins to reign, after his death, but at his accession. This was done for Ahaziah in 2 Kings 8:25, but there it is said that it was in the _twelfth_year of... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:30

The fate of Jezebel (Not in Chronicles) 30. _when Jehu was come to Jezreel_ Very little time could have elapsed between the slaying of Joram and the advance from Naboth's vineyard to the palace. But the news of what Jehu had done had already been brought to Jezebel, for she knows that he has murder... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:31

_at the gate_ Of Jezreel. The king's palace was sure to be there, because it was the custom for the king to sit in the gate to hear causes and complaints brought to him for judgement. Had _Zimri peace, who slew his master?_ R.V. IS IT PEACE, THOU ZIMRI, THY MASTER'S MURDERER? The Hebrew has -his ma... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:32

_to the window_ Here the LXX. adds -and saw her". After which it continues, -And he said, Who art thou? Come down with me. And there looked out &c." Josephus makes Jezebel's remark to be: -A pretty servant you, who have killed your master!" and then describes Jehu's reply in much the same way as the... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:33

_So they threw her down_ It is easy to understand how such an imperious mistress would have few friends among her servants. And to them, as well as to her, the news of Jehu's revolt and Joram's death would have been brought. So with Eastern fickleness they at once take the side which seems victoriou... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:34

_And when he was come in_ To the palace, where now he was master. Not only the eunuchs of Jezebel, but the household of Joram appears to have been ready to serve him, for the queen-mother is hardly dead before Jehu is set down to a banquet in the palace. _and said, Go, see now this cursed_woman] [R... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:35

_they went to bury her_ While Jehu was refreshing himself in the palace, the dogs gathered about the dead body of Jezebel and devoured it. So completely had the tide of popular favour turned towards Jehu, that there was not found one to protect the corpse of Jezebel.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:36

_This_is _the word of the Lord_ In one point after another he finds the curse fulfilled. Now it is Joram's death in Naboth's vineyard, and now the dogs devouring Jezebel. For the word of the Lord concerning Jezebel, see 1 Kings 21:23.... [ Continue Reading ]

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