But king Joram was returned Though he was at Jezreel professedly for the cure of his wounds, Joram was sufficiently recovered to be able to entertain Ahaziah, and also to go forth in his chariot to meet Jehu. If he stayed in his capital thus, while the army was in force at Ramoth-gilead and fully occupied with the Syrian foe, we can easily understand how the feelings of the soldiery would turn from him to the officers who remained with them, and especially to Jehu, who seems to have been the man of action among the number.

If it be your minds R.V. If this be your mind. The LXX. renders -If your mind be with me", which gives the sense, though there is nothing in the Hebrew to represent -with me" any more than the -this" of R.V. Jehu, as was fit until his throne was secure, takes counsel with his fellow-generals.

let none go forthnor escape R.V. let none escape and go forth. The literal meaning of the Hebrew is -let no escaper go forth". Hence the change in R.V. To secure this must be their care. Jehu himself with a faithful few will start at once to execute the judgement which has been laid upon him. His best chance of success is to take Joram by surprise.

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