Make ready Literally as in margin of R.V. -yoke". The mention of Jehu has shewn Joram that the reason must be a weighty one which brings the commander of the army from Ramoth at full speed. So he goes to meet him that he may know what has happened. Apparently he set forth without any body guard, and thus is easily put to flight when Jehu attacks him. The two kings went forth in somewhat of a state array. Both had been in the defence of Ramoth-gilead and so were both interested in what they expected would be news from the army.

went out against Jehu R.V. to meet Jehu. There is not necessarily an adverse sense in the word, and the kings had no suspicion of what Jehu's real errand was. It might be disaster in the army, but rebellion was out of their thoughts.

in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite This was -hard by the palace" (1 Kings 21:1) so that the royal chariots had not gone far before they came upon Jehu. The spot was no longer -a vineyard" as when it belonged to Naboth, but had been converted by Ahab and Jezebel to some other purpose.

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