The fate of Jezebel (Not in Chronicles)

30. when Jehu was come to Jezreel Very little time could have elapsed between the slaying of Joram and the advance from Naboth's vineyard to the palace. But the news of what Jehu had done had already been brought to Jezebel, for she knows that he has murdered the king her son. As queen-mother she lived in the royal city, and probably in the royal palace. On the position of the queen-mother and her influence in Eastern courts see on 1 Kings 2:19. Her action Bp Hall thinks was with the hope -to daunt the courage of a usurper with the sudden beams of majesty".

and she painted her face R.V. eyes. The A.V. gives a wrong idea, though placing the literal rendering on the margin -put her eyes in painting". The process is common still in the East. The preparation used is made from antimony, which gives when applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows, a dark outline, as a setting to the eyes, which while making them look larger adds also to their brilliancy.

and tired her head Putting on some ornamental diadem or insignia of royalty. As she was to die, and she could expect no less, she would look the queen to the last.

and looked out at a window Josephus (Ant.IX. 6. 4) describes her as -standing upon the tower". It is clear that the building in which she was formed part of the city wall, and that the gateway by which the city was entered was close by. So the window may have been in some lofty part.

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