Gilead Here apparently, as in Joshua 22:9, Gilead includes the whole district occupied by the Israelites to the E. of the Jordan, and not merely the central portion of it, between the S. end of the Lake of Gennesaret and the N. end of the Dead Sea.

the Ashurites Probably an alternative form or a corrupt reading for Asherites(Judges 1:32), i.e. the tribe of Asher, named as the principal inhabitants of Western Palestine north of the plain of Esdraelon. The Targum gives "house of Asher." The Vulgate and Syriac versions however read Geshurites. If this reading is adopted, by Geshurites must be understood the tribe which maintained itself among the Israelites in the district S. of Mount Hermon (Joshua 13:13), to be distinguished from the independent kingdom of Geshur in Syria (ch. 2 Samuel 3:3), and from the Geshurites on the borders of Philistia (1 Samuel 27:8).

Jezreel The great plain of Esdraelon is thus named from its principal city. See note on 1 Samuel 29:1.

all Israel Ish-bosheth's dominions were gradually extended until they included all the country which afterwards formed the kingdom of Israel as distinguished from that of Judah.

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