Sheba's Rebellion

1, 2. Fresh outbreak of rebellion, headed by Sheba

1. there At Gilgal. The dispute offered an immediate opening to a bold and ambitious leader, who hoped to restore the sovereignty to the tribe of Benjamin.

a man of Belial A worthless or wicked man. Cp. 1 Samuel 10:27, and note on 1 Samuel 1:16.

the son of Bichri Rather, a Bichrite, or member of the clan tracing its descent from Becher the second son of Benjamin (Genesis 46:21).

part Better, portion, a different word from that in ch. 2 Samuel 19:43, and the same as that in 1 Kings 12:16.

the son of Jesse There is a touch of contempt in this name for David. Cp. 1 Samuel 20:27; 1 Samuel 20:30-31; 1Sa 22:7-9; 1 Samuel 22:13; 1 Samuel 25:10.

every man to his tents Nominally a call to disperse and return to their homes (1 Samuel 13:2; 2 Samuel 18:17); really an invitation to join him in rebellion. The same words served as the signal for the revolt from Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:16).

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