Adoram Perhaps the same as Adoniram(1 Kings 4:6; 1 Kings 5:14), who held the office in Solomon's reign, and Adoram, who held it at the beginning of Rehoboam's reign (1 Kings 12:18), but possibly three persons of the same family, who succeeded one another in the office, are meant. The Sept. reads Adoniramhere.

over the tribute Better over the levy (1 Kings 4:6 marg., 2 Samuel 5:14); superintendent of the forced levies employed in public works. Adoram was stoned to death by the people in the rebellion at the beginning of Rehoboam's reign, as the representative of the hated system of forced labour which had oppressed the people beyond all endurance in Solomon's reign (1 Kings 12:4). The appearance of this new officer in the closing years of David's reign is most significant of the vast change which had taken place in the character of his rule.

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