The Plague

15. even to the time appointed The meaning of these words, which are not found in Chron., is very doubtful. (1) The E. V. follows the Vulg. usque ad tempus constitutum. This would naturally mean until the end of the third day; but the duration of the plague seems to have been mercifully shortened (2 Samuel 24:16). Perhaps a time appointed(there is no definite article) might mean a time determined in the counsel of God, before the expiration of the period originally named. (2) Most commentators render until the time of assembly, i.e. the hour for offering the evening sacrifice, about three o'clock in the afternoon. Cp. 1 Kings 18:29; 1 Kings 18:36; Daniel 9:21; Acts 3:1. This is supported by the explanation given in the Targum: "from the time of the slaying of the perpetual sacrifice until it is burned;" and by Jerome (Quaest. Hebr. in libros Regum): "By the time appointedis meant that at which the evening sacrifice was offered." (3) The Sept. rendering, until the time of breakfast, i.e. noon, is improbable.

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