The Development of David's Kingdom

= 1 Chronicles 18

1, 2. Conquest of the Philistines and Moabites

1. And after this it came to pass This chapter contains a summary account of the wars by which David established the supremacy of Israel among the surrounding nations. At what periods of his reign they were waged is not stated. As has been already implied in the note on ch. 2 Samuel 7:1, it seems best to consider the words "and after this it came to pass" as a general formula of transition and connexion, not necessarily indicating a strict chronological sequence. It may possibly be derived from the annals which were the original source of the history. Cp. ch. 2 Samuel 10:1; 2 Samuel 13:1.

took Metheg-ammah, &c. The most probable explanation of this obscure expression is took the bridle of the metropolis out of the hand of the Philistines, i.e. wrested from them the control of their chief city. This is equivalent to the statement in 1 Chronicles 18:1 that "David took Gath and her towns out of the hand of the Philistines;" and it may be noticed that the metaphor of the -mother-city" is employed there, for the word translated "towns" literally means daughters. Gath was allowed to retain its king as a tributary (1 Kings 2:39). On its site and history see note on 1 Samuel 5:8.

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