Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of Davidwas raised The force of the participle and the true order of the phrases require the rendering Remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead, of the seed of David. In the other N.T. places where the accusative follows this verb -remember," it is of a thing not a person, Mat 16:9; 1 Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 18:5. And this use is really followed here; it is -Jesus risen a historic fact" which is set before Timothy. - Risen," not -raised," according to the ordinary usage of the passive, as e.g. Matthew 11:11; Mark 16:14, and suiting best the idea prominent here of Christ's own power. The force of the clause -of the seed of David" is seen in the paraphrase above.

according to my gospel The gospel entrusted to me to teach, as in 1 Timothy 1:11; -a solemn way of speaking, identifying these truths with the preaching which had been the source of Timotheus's belief." Alford.

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