But evil men and seducers The word -seduce" in A.V. occurs nine times in Old and New Testament always in the general sense of -lead astray"; everywhere except here it is used to represent the Greek word for this cognate to the English word -planet" -the wanderer," (cf. Jude's -wandering stars") and almost immediately following here -deceiving," cf. 1 Timothy 4:1 and note. R.V. in these places varies between -seduce" and -lead astray." The word so rendered here is properly -enchanter," from the cries of incantations used. So -magicians," and more generally -impostors." Compare for the general sense, the most probable here, the use of the verb by Plato, Phæd. 81, 13, -the soul having served and loved the body and been bewitchedby it through desires and pleasures." Some think there may be a reference to the magic arts, such as those of Jannes and Jambres; and certainly Ephesus had an evil repute in this respect itself, cf. Acts 19:13; Acts 19:10. -Ephesian letters" was a common expression for charms made up of magic words and worn as amulets.

shall wax worse and worse The same verb as in 2 Timothy 3:9. The -progress" is a -rake's progress," step after step leading and being led astray. Compare Revelation 18:23, -with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived," 2 John 1:7, -many deceiversare gone forth into the world … this is the deceiverand the antichrist."

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