the man of God As in 1 Timothy 6:11.

perfect In the sense in which, for example, Confirmation is sometimes said to make -a perfect Christian," i.e. one perfectly equipped and supplied with the full measure of gifts and graces through the Holy Spirit. The word for -perfect" here occurs nowhere else in N.T. It is derived from an adverb meaning -exactly," and so occurs in Homer, Il. xiv. 92, of speaking -exactly to the purpose," in Theophrastus H. P. 2. 5. 5, of being -full-grown." Complete, then, as R.V. renders, is more correct than A.V. So when the word is compounded with hand, foot, mind, we get -perfect of hand," -of feet," -sound of mind," &c.

throughly furnished The perfect participle again expressing the resulting and abiding state; the verb is from the same root as the adjective; hence R.V. rightly preserves the play upon the words by rendering furnished completely. It only occurs again in Acts 21:5, -we had accomplished," completely finished, the days. Another compound occurs Luke 6:40, -Every one, when he is perfected, shall be as his master."

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