At my first answer This should not be referred to any preliminary trial at Ephesus or elsewhere, but to the -prima actio" of the main case at Rome before Nero or his representative; -if the matter was one of difficulty the hearing might be adjourned as often as was necessary: such respite was called ampliatio." See Dict. Ant. judex.

stood with me The simpler compound is the better supported by mss., took my part, was my -advocatus." Under the emperors this word signified a person who in any way assisted in the conduct of a cause, our -solicitor," and was sometimes equivalent to -orator" or -patronus," who made the speech for the client, our -counsel" or -barrister." See Dict. Ant. advocatus. The verb here is generally in N. T. without any case following, in the sense of -to come," and is especially used by St Luke, occurring twenty-nine times in the Gospel and the Acts, against nine times elsewhere in N.T. The meaning of -support," with the dative, is quite classical. Cf. Æsch. Eum. 309.

all … forsook me As in 2 Timothy 4:10.

laid to their charge More exactly to their account, lit. -reckoned to them." So the line of Martial, which has been adopted as a motto for sundials and clocks, -horae pereunt et imputantur," -are put to our account."

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