And the Lord shall deliver The -and" is omitted in the better mss. The Apostle for the last time -goes off abruptly" at the word -deliver," and breaks into a final song of -faith, hope and love." The preposition after the verb is changed to suit the noun it goes with.

every evil work Substantially the same in reference as above, -the mouth of the lion"; -Fightings and fears within, without." It has been thought that the Apostle had the Lord's Prayer in his mind, giving faith's application of the clause -deliver us from the evil"; and if so it is interesting to observe his interpretation, not -from the evil one," masculine, but -from the evil," neuter. The phrase -his heavenly kingdom" which does not occur elsewhere, and the ascription of the -glory," may also be a reminiscence of the doxology; which must in that case have been already in use, as an addition to the prayer. And this is what we should expect from its occurrence in Matthew 6:13 in so large a proportion of mss. and versions; see Carr in loco.

preserveme unto lit. save me into, -bring me safe unto." Cf. 2 Timothy 2:25. The same construction is found in classical writers. Cf. Soph. Philoct. 311.

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