before winter - The motive(rather a motive) of the letter is the desire for Timothy's presence, Haste! Come! 2 Timothy 4:9 "Haste to comequickly," 2 Timothy 4:21 "Haste to comebefore winter," 2 Timothy 4:13 "when thou comest," 2 Timothy 1:4 "Yearningto see thee," 2 Timothy 4:5 "my death is nearat hand." " Farrar, Message of the Books, p. 397.

Eubulus Of him nothing is known.

Pudens … and Claudia The identity of these two members of the Church at Rome with the Pudens and Claudia of Martial is discussed in Appendix, H.

Linus According to general testimony bishop of Rome. Cf. Iren. iii. 3, § 3 -Peter and Paul, when they founded and built up the church of Rome, committed the office of its episcopate to Linus." Cf. also Euseb. H. E. iii. 2 -of the church of the Romans after the martyrdom of Paul and Peter the first to be appointed to the office of bishop was Linus, of whom Paul makes mention at the end of his letter to Timothy." Eusebius also gives the length of his episcopate as twelve years a.d. 68 80.

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