For -I know that thy soul is in a prosperous condition, forI have it on good authority."

I rejoiced greatly See on 2 John 1:4. This cannot so well be the epistolary aorist, but rather refers to the definite occasions when information was brought. Of course if -rejoiced" becomes present as epistolary aorist, -came" and -bare witness" must be treated in like manner.

testified of the truth that is in thee Better, bare witness (see on 1 John 1:2) to thy truth (see on 3 John 1:6). The whole, literally rendered, runs thus; For I rejoiced greatly at brethren coming and witnessing to thy truth. John 5:33 is wrongly quoted as a parallel. There the Baptist -hath borne witness to the truth," i.e. to the Gospel or to Christ. Here the brethren bare witness to Gaius's truth, i.e. to his Christian life, as is shewn by what follows. The -thy" is emphatic, as in 3 John 1:6; perhaps in contrast to the conduct of Diotrephes. Comp. Luke 4:22.

even as thou walkest in the truth Omit - the," as in 2 John 1:4. This is part of what the brethren reported, explaining what they meant by Gaius's truth.

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