Then called he them in, and lodged them This was the first step towards laying aside the scruples to which the Jews were so much attached.

And on the morrow Peter went away with them The best texts read "And on the morrow he arose and went forth with them."

and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him In Acts 11:12 we are told they were sixin number, and in Acts 10:45 of this chapter they are called "they of the circumcision which believed." So these men were Jews, and Peter took them for his companions that he might, if need were, afterwards appeal to them for testimony of what was done, and to explain why he had acted as he did. No doubt they were informed by him of the message which the servants of Cornelius had brought, and the good repute of this devout man would weigh with them and make them ready to go.

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