named Lydia This may have been her proper name, or it may only have been that by which she passed among the colonists of Philippi, being from the Lydiantown of Thyatira. From inscriptions which have been found on the site of the ancient town, it is clear that dyeing was one of the staple trades of Thyatira, and it was from thence that Lydia brought over the purple which she sold in Philippi.

Thyatira On the river Lycus in Lydia. To be distinguished from the river of the same name in Phrygia on which were situated Laodicæa, Hierapolis and Colossæ, in all which places the congregations afterwards became objects of St Paul's great affection and interest. Colossians 4:13.

which worshipped God i.e. had become a proselyte of the Jewish faith.

whose heart the Lord opened St Luke recognizes that without this the word would have made no entrance. He probably makes special mention of this here because he had previously stated that the Lord had called them to preach at Philippi. Having pointed out their work, He helps them to perform it.

that she attended She gave such heed as to be convinced of their truth. The same verb occurs Acts 8:6, and from the context both there and here we see that it implies "gave credence unto."

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