opposed themselves The word implies very strong opposition, as of a force drawn up in battle array. It was an organized opposition.

and blasphemed The same word is used in 2 Peter 2:2, "The way of truth shall be evil spoken of." And the same conduct, though the word is different, is described in the next chapter (Acts 19:9), "speaking evil of the Way before the multitude."

he shook out his raiment Figurative of entire renunciation of them. Nothing that pertained to them should cling to him; and in like manner he would cast them off from his thoughts (cp. Acts 13:51). For the action cp. Nehemiah 5:13.

Your blood be upon your own heads He says "blood" in the sense of "destruction," using figuratively the language which in Joshua 2:19 is used literally.

I will go unto the Gentiles i.e. the Gentiles in Corinth. For in future preaching elsewhere (see Acts 19:8) he addressed the Jews and went to the synagogue, as had been his custom from the first.

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