Silver and gold have I none The Apostles, we may see from this, made no claim for themselves upon the contributions of the richer converts.

but such as I have give I thee Better literally, what I have that give I thee. We are nowhere told how much time had passed since the day of Pentecost, and it is probable that this was not the first miracle which Peter wrought (see Acts 2:43). For he speaks as not without experience of what works God will enable him to do. His language is that of firm assurance, "what I have," though in a moment he adds "In the name of Jesus Christ."

Jesus Christ of Nazareth According to St John's account, the name Nazareth was included in the title on Christ's cross (John 19:19), and we can see that the place was despised in the eyes of the Jews (John 1:46) from Nathanael's question to Philip. This despised origin, as well as the shameful death of Jesus, was a stumbling-block to the Jews.

rise up and walk The best MSS. have only the last verb walk. So that the arguments which have been based on these words to shew that St Luke in the Acts has drawn his picture here from what is recorded of Christ's language (Luke 5:23) in the Gospel, fall to the ground.

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