if we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man Both the nouns are without the article. Read "agood deed done to animpotent man." Of = concerning, as we still use it in "to speak of." St Peter's words imply that perhaps there would be some other charge brought against them, for teachers of a new doctrine who had in a brief space gained five thousand followers must have attracted much notice in Jerusalem. Nor is it long before we hear (Acts 6:13) blasphemy "against the Temple and the law" laid to the charge of Stephen, whose preaching (for this accusation precedes Stephen's defence) must have been of the same character as that of Peter and John.

by what means he is made whole The Greek has this(man), the demonstrative pronoun, for the man was there in the council-house to be seen by all. See Acts 4:14.

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