Woe to themthat, &c. Ah! they that.… and that, &c., as Amos 5:18. are at ease Cf. Isaiah 32:9 ("rise up, ye women that are at ease"), Isaiah 32:11. The word (though it may be used in a good sense, ib. Isaiah 32:18; Isaiah 32:20) denotes, in such a context as die present, those who are recklessly at ease, and live on in tranquillity and contentment, insensible to real danger.

in Zion For the allusion to Judah, cf. Amos 2:4-5.

trust are secure (R.V.), viz. without sufficient ground: in parallelism with -at ease," just as in Isaiah 32:9; Isaiah 32:11 (A.V., R.V., careless).

the men of mark of the first of the nations i.e. the nobles of Samaria, who are described as the cream of a nation, which was itself (partly by its prosperity, partly by its theocratic privileges: cf. Jeremiah 3:19; Ezekiel 20:6; Ezekiel 20:15) the first of the nations. But the expression first of the nationsmay be used in irony, to reflect Israel's own opinion of itself: so Wellh. and G. A. Smith. Men of mark(R.V. notable men) is lit. marked, marked out: elsewhere the same verb is rendered expressed(sc. by name, opposed to the unnamed crowd); cf. Numbers 1:17 1 Chronicles 12:31; 1 Chronicles 16:41; 2 Chronicles 28:15 (in all "expressed by name").

to whom the house of Israel come] viz. for judgement (Exodus 18:16; 2 Samuel 15:4). They hold a position of responsibility, they are raised above their fellow-citizens, and have to administer justice to them, and yet they are heedless of the interests entrusted to them and live only for themselves (Amos 6:3 ff.).

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