And the Lord, Jehovah of hosts,is he that toucheth the land, and it melteth, and all that dwell therein mourn] In a thunderstorm, a cyclone, or an earthquake, for instance, spreading devastation upon the earth, and causing terror among its inhabitants. Cf. Psalms 104:32 ("he toucheth the mountains and they smoke"); Psalms 46:6 ("He uttereth his voice [viz. in thunder], the earth melteth"); Nahum 1:5; also Psalms 97:4-5. The last clause as in Amos 8:8.

and it riseth up, all of it, as the Nile, and sinketh (again), as the Nile of Egypt A hyperbolical description of an earthquake, repeated almost verbatimfrom Amos 8:8 b.

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