whereof That is, of the Church; on behalf of it, serving its holy interests.

according to His "ministry" was conditionedand guidedby the terms of "the dispensation" just about to be mentioned.

the dispensation Better, the stewardship. So Ephesians 3:2, a close parallel. For the figure see 1 Corinthians 4:1-2; 1Co 9:17; 1 Peter 4:10. And cp. Matthew 13:52. On Ephesians 1:10, where the word occurs in a somewhat different phase of meaning, see note in this Series.

It is almost needless to say that the N.T. use of the figure of stewardship has regard to the minister's duty to providethe household of God with the food of truth, and not to any supposed right or duty to reservethat food.

fulfil the word of God I.e. in the light of the context, not to "accomplish His promise," but to "develope, unfold, His message to the full." Cp. Romans 15:19; "I have fully preached (lit., fulfilled) the Gospel of Christ."

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