Colossians 4:1. The subject concluded

1. Masters Cp. Ephesians 6:9.

give unto Provide for. The Greek verb suggests deliberate care.

that which is … equal In the Greek, equality, equity. The word in the classics often means "equality" in the political sense, as against arbitrary privilege; and the Gospel, by publishing for ever the spiritual equality of all men before God, secures all that is vital in that matter. But the meaning "impartiality," "equity," is more in place here; the master is not commanded to surrender his status, but to respect the interests of the slave as faithfully as his own, and to banish caprice and favouritism. This, consistently carried out, was a long and sure step towards the end of slavery; for nothing could be a more direct contradiction to the root-idea of ancient slavery. See pp. 156, etc. below. "Your slaves should find you fathers rather than masters" (Jerome).

knowing … heaven Nearly verbatim as Ephesians 6:9. The Lord's sovereignty is the true guarantee of human liberty.

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