Epaphras Cp. Colossians 1:7, and note.

who is one of you Cp. Colossians 4:9, and note.

a servant of Christ A designation true of all Christians; see Ephesians 6:6. Here it seems to denote a man in whom the holy "bondservice" was markedly illustrated; perhaps specially in his pastoral or missionary character. Cp. 2 Timothy 2:24.

" Of Christ" :read, of Christ Jesus.

labouring Wrestling; "as Jacob of old with the Angel." See notes on Colossians 1:29; Colossians 2:2; and cp. Romans 15:30. Epaphras prayed as one who grappled withtrials to faith and perseverance in the work of prayer. The word "fervently" is inserted in the A.V. (as in older English Versions) to express the intensity of a wrestle. The Latin Versions, somewhat weakly, have semper sollicitus pro vobis;Wyclif, better (though rendering from them), "euer bisie for you."

in prayers Lit., "in the prayers," almost as if, "in his prayers." Epaphras was Paul's true scholar in the school of intercession. See Colossians 1:9.

stand Stand fast better represents the best-supported reading here.

perfect See note on the word, Colossians 1:28. And cp. Philippians 3:15, and note.

complete I.e., "filled full." So Old Latin, adimpleti;Vulgate, pleni;all English Versions before A.V., "full." R.V., fully assured; adopting another and better supported reading, which gives the verb used also in e.g. Romans 4:21; Romans 14:5; and cognate to the noun used ch. Colossians 2:2, where see note. The usage of this verb (see Lightfoot's note) leaves the rendering "filled" still possible; but the parallels in St Paul are in favour of R.V. Epaphras prayed, in effect, that their Christian consistency might be mature(" perfect") and consciously decided.

in all the will More lit., "in every will" ; in every part of the will. The thought is the attentive obedience which holds sacred each detailof the Master's orders. Cp. Ephesians 5:15-17; and see above ch. Colossians 1:10.

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