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7. All my state Rather more lit., My circumstances generally. The same phrase occurs Philippians 1:12. Latin Versions, Quœ circa me sunt omnia.

Tychicus Cp. Ephesians 6:21; and our note there. Tychicus is named also Acts 20:4; 2 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:12. He appears to have belonged to the province of Asia, and probably to Ephesus. He was, evidently, loved and honoured by the Apostle; was beside him, occasionally at least, in his first imprisonment; and was faithful to him to the end. His name, though not common, occurs in inscriptions and on coins belonging to Asia Minor. Wyclif, curiously, has "titicus."

See the art. Tychicusin Smith's Dict. of the Bible;Ellicott on Ephesians 6:21; Lightfoot here, and p. 11 of his Philippians.

a beloved brother Lit., and better, the &c. So in Ephesians. The article indicates a certain speciality; almost as if it were "thatbeloved brother, &c."

faithful minister Greek, diaconos. So in Ephesians. On the word, see note above, on Colossians 1:7; and on Ephesians 6:21. The word here (and in Eph.) points probably to Tychicus" personal helping attendance on the Apostle.

and fellowservant A designation not given in Ephesians.

On the word see note above on Colossians 1:7, where Epaphras is similarly denoted. It is interesting to find these two Asiatic saints alike described by their discriminating father in God as eminently known for active unselfish service. Lightfoot gives the fact that the term fellowservantwas a customary address, in the early Church, from a bishop to a deacon(diaconos) ;probably because of its use here and Colossians 1:7; an interesting instance of the birth and growth of formula.

in the Lord His life, and work, was conditioned and animated by his union with Christ and His Church.

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