Onesimus On his name and story see below, on Philemon 1:10, and Introd. to the Ep. to Philemon, ch. 3.

a faithful and beloved brother Lit., and better, the, &c. See above on Colossians 4:7. This rescued slave is raised, in Christ, to a brother's place beside Tychicus, the Colossians, and Paul himself, and is at once welcomed into the family of God. St Paul implicitly assumes Philemon's pardon and welcome for Onesimus.

isone of you Or, belongs to you, a fellow-Colossian. A beautiful euphemism for Onesimus" legalconnexion with Colossæ; and it was, for Christians, as true as it was beautiful.

allthings whichare done here Lit., more generally, all the things here; circumstances and proceedings alike.

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