And such as do wickedly(Daniel 9:5; Daniel 12:10) against the covenant the disloyal Jews.

shall he make profane (Jeremiah 23:11)] by abetting them in their designs, he will lead them from bad to worse. In Syr. the root here used acquired the special sense of gentile(e.g. Matthew 6:7; Matthew 18:17, Pesh.), apostate, and represents, for instance, Hellenic, Greek(2Ma 4:10; 2Ma 11:24, Pesh.); and possibly the word may have the definite sense of make apostateshere (cf. R.V. pervert).

by flatteries by specious representations, or promises, pointing out for example the advantages that would accrue to those who renounced their Judaism. Cf. the promises held out (1Ma 2:18) to Mattathias (-thou and thy house shall be in the number of the king's friends, and thou and thy sons shall be honoured with silver and gold and many gifts"). Mattathias turned a deaf ear to such inducements; but the prospect of Antiochus" favour might easily influence men who were less staunch in their convictions.

but the people that do know their God shall shew strength] i.e. exhibit firmness, constancy(cf. Deuteronomy 12:23 -be strong, firm, not to eat the blood"; Joshua 1:7; 1 Chronicles 28:7), neither to yield to temptation nor to desert their religion for fear of the consequences. The decree of Antiochus led to numerous martyrdoms, many of the loyal Israelites submitting to death, even with torture, rather than renounce their faith. Cf. 1Ma 1:62 f. -And many in Israel were strong(i.e. firm: the Greek word used stands for חזק in 1 Samuel 30:6; Ezra 10:4, and elsewhere), and were fortified (like a strong city, ὀχυρώθησαν) in themselves, not to eat unclean things (κοινά). And they chose to die, that they might not be defiled with the meats, nor profane the holy covenant; and they died."

and do] they also will do, or act, in the pregnant sense of the word (cf. on Daniel 8:12), in their cause, not less than the ambitious heathen king (Daniel 8:12; Daniel 8:24; Daniel 11:28; Daniel 11:30) in his.

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