At Daniel's request, his three companions are transferred from the ranks of those who -stood before the king" (Daniel 1:19) to positions of authority over the -business of the province of Babylon," i.e., probably, to act as deputies or assistants to Daniel himself. Daniel's motive in making this request may have been either simply the promotion of his three friends, or (Hitz., Keil, Meinh.) that he himself might be relieved of duties necessitating his absence from Nebuchadnezzar's court.

but Danielwas in the gate of the king at the main entrance to the palace; fig. for, he remained at court (Sept. ἐν τῇ βασιλικῇ αὐλῇ). Cf. Esther 2:19; Esther 2:21, where it is said that Mordecai -sat in the king's gate" (cf. Daniel 3:2-3; Daniel 4:2; Daniel 4:6; Daniel 5:9; Daniel 5:13; Daniel 6:10; Daniel 6:12); and Xen. Cyrop.viii. i. 6 (cf. Hdt. iii. 120), where this is said to have been the usual custom with the officials of the Persian court. The verse is apparently written in view of chap. 3 (see Daniel 2:3 end, 12).

Additional Note on -Excellent" and -Excellency"

The following synopsis of the occurrences of these words in A.V., R.V., and in the P.B. Version of the Psalms, may illustrate and support what is said above with regard to their meaning in these versions.

Excellencystands for

יֶתֶר superiority: A.V., R.V. Genesis 49:3; A.V. Job 4:21; and in -have the excellency" for הותיר to shew superiority, Genesis 49:4 R.V.

יתרון superiority: A.V., R.V. Ecclesiastes 7:12.

גאון majesty, fig. glory, pride: A.V., R.V. Exodus 15:7; Psalms 47:4; Isaiah 60:15; Amos 6:8 (R.V. marg.pride), Daniel 8:7; Nahum 2:2; A.V. Job 37:4 (R.V. majesty), Isaiah 13:10 (R.V. glory), Ezekiel 24:21 (R.V. pride); R.V. Job 40:10.

גאוה majesty: A.V., R.V. Deuteronomy 33:26; Deuteronomy 33:29; Psalms 68:34.

שׂאת uprising, loftiness, dignity: A.V., R.V. Job 13:11; Psalms 62:4; R.V. Job 31:23.

שׂיא loftiness, dignity: A.V., R.V. Job 20:6.

גבהּ height, fig. loftiness: A.V. Job 40:10 (R.V. dignity).

יקר preciousness, fig. beauty: R.V. Psalms 37:20 [213].

[213] Used here in its weakened modern sense.

הדר glory, splendour:A.V., R.V. Isaiah 35:2 (bis).

ὑπεροχὴ superiority: A.V., R.V. 1 Corinthians 2:1.

ὑπερβολὴ excess:A.V. 2 Corinthians 4:7 (R.V. exceeding greatness).

τὸ ὑπερέχον the surpassingness:A.V., R.V. Philippians 3:8.

ἀρετὴ virtue:R.V. 1 Peter 2:9 [214].

[214] Used here in its weakened modern sense.

And excellentis used for

גדולה greatness: A.V., R.V. Esther 1:4 (lit. the majesty of his greatness).

שׂגיא great: A.V., R.V. Job 37:23.

אדיר grand, glorious(Isaiah 33:21), noble(Judges 5:13): P.B.V., A.V., R.V. Psalms 8:1; Psalms 8:9; A.V., R.V. Psalms 16:3; Psalms 76:4.

יקר precious: P.B.V., A.V. Psalms 36:7 (R.V. precious); A.V. Proverbs 17:27 (following the Qrê: R.V. follows the K'tib).

למעלה upwards(paraphrased): P.B.V. Psalms 74:6 (based on Seb. Münster's rendering, ad sublime aliquid).

נכבד glorious: P.B.V. Psalms 87:2.

נשׂגב exalted:P.B.V. Psalms 139:5 (A.V., R.V. high); P.B.V., A.V. Psalms 148:12 [A.V. 13] (R.V. exalted).

ראשׁ head, fig. top, chiefness: A.V. Psalms 141:5 (lit. oil of chiefness).

רב abundance:P.B.V., A.V., R.V. Psalms 150:2 (lit. the abundanceof his greatness).

נגידים princely things:A.V., R.V. Proverbs 8:6.

יָתֵר superior:A.V. Proverbs 12:26 (R.V. derives the word differently).

יֶתֶר superiority:A.V., R.V. Proverbs 17:7 (lit. speech of superiority).

שׁלישׁים captain-like(?), i.e. noble(?) things: A.V., R.V. Proverbs 22:20.

בחור choice:A.V., R.V. Song of Solomon 5:15 (-excellent as the cedars").

גאון majesty: A.V., R.V. Isaiah 4:2 (R.V. marg.majestic).

גאות majesty: A.V., R.V. Isaiah 12:5.

הגדיל to make great: A.V., R.V. Isaiah 28:29 (-is excellent [i.e. is surpassing] in wisdom," lit. makethwisdom great).

יתיר surpassing:A.V., R.V. Daniel 2:31; Daniel 4:36; Daniel 5:12; Daniel 5:14; Daniel 6:3.

τὰ διαφέροντα the things that excel(or are of value, Matthew 10:31) R.V. Romans 2:18 (A.V. more excellent); A.V., R.V. Philippians 1:10.

μεγαλοπρεπὴς magnificent, transcendent, A.V., R.V. 2 Peter 1:17.

In Psalms 136:5 P.B.V. there is nothing in the Heb. corresponding to excellent, though it evidently means surpassing; and in Ezekiel 16:7 A.V., R.V., -ornament of ornaments" (i.e. choicest ornament) is paraphrased by excellent ornament(s).

More excellentis used in Ecclesiastes 7:11 R.V. for יותר superior; in Romans 2:18 A.V. for διαφέροντα; and in A.V., R.V. 1 Corinthians 12:31 in the rendering of τὴν καθʼ ὑπερβολὴν ὁδόν; Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews 8:6 for διαφορώτερος; Hebrews 11:4 for πλείων. Most excellentrepresents κράτιστος in A.V., R.V. Luke 1:3; Acts 23:26, and in R.V. Acts 24:3; Acts 26:25.

Cf. in the Collect for St Peter's Day, -many excellentgifts," in the Collect for Quinquagesima Sunday, -that most excellentgift of charity" (with allusion to 1 Corinthians 12:31, just quoted), in the form of Solemnization of Matrimony, -who hast consecrated the state of Matrimony to such an excellentmystery," and in the Ordering of Priests, -as your office is … of so great excellency," all in the sense of pre-eminent, pre-eminency.

In view of the weakened sense in which both these words are used in modern times, it is to be regretted that they have been retained in R.V. in passages in which the real meaning is something so very different. Let the reader mark on the margin of his Revised Version the true meaning of the Hebrew (and Greek) in the passages in which it is not already given; and he will find (in most cases) how greatly they gain in expressiveness and force.

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