was astonied better, was stupefied or appalled, viz. as the meaning of the dream flashed across him. The root-idea of the word (שמם) seems to have been to be motionless, sometimes (cf. on Daniel 8:13) in the stillness of desolation, sometimes, as here, through amazement (so Daniel 8:27). It is not the word used in Daniel 3:24.

about one hour In view of what was said on Daniel 3:6, however, it is doubted by many whether shâ-âhis meant here to denote exactly what we call an -hour"; and they render accordingly for a moment. Cf. Exodus 33:5, where nearly the same expression (שעה חדא) stands in the Targ. for the Heb. רגע אחד i.e. -for a moment."

his thoughts alarmed (Daniel 4:5) him he dreaded, viz., to foretell to the king his own disasters. The same phrase, Daniel 5:6; Daniel 5:10; Daniel 7:28. The king, however, observing his confusion, and perceiving from it that he has found the interpretation of the dream, proceeds to reassure him.

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