Verse Daniel 5:31. _DARIUS THE MEDIAN TOOK THE KINGDOM_] This is
supposed to be the same as _Cyaxares_, son of _Astyages_ and maternal
uncle of _Cyrus_, to whom he gave the throne of Babylon, after hi...
AND DARIUS THE MEDIAN TOOK THE KINGDOM - The city and kingdom were
actually taken by Cyrus, though acting in the name and by the
authority of Darius, or Cyaxares, who was his uncle. For a full
_ 1. Belshazzar's licentious feast (Daniel 5:1)_
2. The writing on the wall (Daniel 5:5)
3. Forgotten Daniel (Daniel 5:10)
4. The message of Daniel ...
DANIEL 5. Belshazzar, who is represented as king of Babylon, makes a
great feast, using the vessels which his father had brought to Babylon
from the Temple at Jerusalem. During the feast the fingers o...
DARIUS THE MEDIAN. Through not noting the fact that "Darius" was an
appellative denoting "the Maintainer", and used by Xerxes and others,
modern critics have denied the existence of such. king. ASTYAG...
accepted the kingdom;_ so the Syriac and Arabic versions. This Darius,
in the ninth chapter, is said to be _of the seed of the Medes,_ and...
TEXT: Daniel 5:24-31
then was the part of the hand sent from before him, and this writing
was inscribed,
And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL,
And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and
two years old.
DARIUS THE MEDIAN TOOK THE KINGDOM - i:e., Cyaxares II, the son and
successor of Astyages, B.C. 569-536. Though Kor...
Belshazzar, king of Babylon, holds a great feast, at which he
profanely uses the sacred vessels taken by Nebuchadnezzar from the
Temple at Jerusalem (Daniel 5:1). He is terrified at...
DARIUS THE MEDIAN (RV 'Mede')] presents the greatest historical
difficulty in the book. In this v. he receives the kingdom of Babylon
upon the death of Belshazzar. In Daniel 6:1; Daniel 6:25 he acts a...
V1 King Belshazzar had a big party. He invited a thousand important
people and he drank wine with them. V2 As Belshazzar drank wine,...
DARIUS THE MEDIAN. — Note the LXX. variation: “And Artaxerxes of
the Medes took the kingdom, and Darius, full of days and glorious in
old age.” (See _Excursus D._)
TOOK — _i.e.,_ received it from the...
_[Daniel 6:1]_ וְ דָרְיָ֨וֶשׁ֙ _מָֽדָאָ֔ה_†
קַבֵּ֖ל מַלְכוּתָ֑א...
IN this chapter again we have another magnificent fresco-picture,
intended, as was the last-but under circumstances of aggravated guilt
and more terrible menace-to teach the les...
Daniel 5:17-31
Daniel was unperturbed and undismayed. Calm and collected, he
recognized his Father's handwriting, and read it, as the instructed
may decipher a scroll which...
The next scene is cast in the reign of Belshazzar. He had succeeded to
the throne of his father, and was a man of profligate habits. No
details are given of his reign, but a graphic picture is set bef...
And Darius (o) the Median took the kingdom, [being] about threescore
and two years old.
(o) Cyrus his son-in-law gave him this title of honour, even though
Cyrus in effect had the dominion....
_Darius. He is called Cyaxares by the historians, and was the son of
Astyages, and uncle to Cyrus (Challoner) as well as to Baltassar, by
the mother's side. He is styled Astyages, (Chap. xiii. 65.) or...
Short, but awful, the account of the king's death! In that night. A
night indeed of terrors. Certainly it was a night of the most daring
impiety. Probably also, a night of drunkenness. So died this wr...
MY soul! dismiss not this solemn chapter, until thou hast gathered
some of the many instructions, which, under grace, it holds forth to
the Church of God, and to all the members of Christ'...
Daniel adds, _the kingdom was transferred to the king of the Medes,
_whom he calls Darius, but Xenophon terms him Cyaxares. It is clear
enough that Babylon was taken by the skill and under the auspice...
In chapter 5 the iniquity of the head of the Gentiles with respect to
the God of Israel reaches the highest point, and assumes that
character of insolence and contempt which is but the effort of
AND DARIUS THE MEDIAN TOOK THE KINGDOM,.... This was Cyaxares the son
of Astyages, and uncle of Cyrus; he is called the Median, to
distinguish him from another Darius the Persian, that came after, Ezr...
And Darius the Median took the kingdom, [being] about threescore and
two years old.
Ver. 31. _And Darius._] Called by Ctesias, Dαριαιος, which
comes near to Dariaves, as the Chaldee here calleth him....
_In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain_ He and
all his nobles were slain together, in the midst of their feasting and
revelling, as Herodotus, lib. 1., and Xenophon, inform us....
And Darius, the Median, took the kingdom, being about threescore and
two years old. We have evidence from secular sources also that Darius,
the Mede, whose other name was Gobryas, received from Cyrus,...
Cald. he as the Son of, etc.
Or, now...
18-31 Daniel reads Belshazzar's doom. He had not taken warning by the
judgments upon Nebuchadnezzar. And he had insulted God. Sinners are
pleased with gods that neither see, nor hear, nor know; but t...
There were two of this name, one called the Mede, another Darius
called Persian. This in the text was he that with Cyrus besieged and
took Babylon; he gave himself the name Darius, being before called...
Daniel 5:31 Darius H1868 Mede H4077 received H6902 (H8745) kingdom
H4437 sixty-two H8361 H8648 years H8140 old...
‘In that night Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans was slain, and
Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about sixty two years
The king was probably slain in what fighting there was, along...
The biblical order of the monarchs of Daniel's time, and of the period
of the captivity and restoration of Judah, is as follows:
(1) Nebuchadnezzar (B.C. 604-561) with whom the cap...
Daniel 5:1
I. Belshazzar's feast was characterised by great intemperance.
II. It was characterised by great profanity.
III. This night was one of supernatural visitation.
IV. This was a night of t...
CONTENTS: Daniel's personal history under Belshazzar and Darius. The
pride of Belshazzar and his downfall. The writing on the wall. Its
interpretation and fulfillment.
CHARACTERS: God, Belshazzar, Qu...
Daniel 5:2. _Belshazzar his father Nebuchadnezzar._ Belshazzar was the
son of Evilmerodach, and grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. The empire
therefore falling at this time, fulfilled the prophecy, that all...
DANIEL—NOTE ON DANIEL 5:1 Daniel explains to Belshazzar, the last
king of Babylon, that the writing on the wall is a message that the
true God rules over all. In his own time, this true God will vindi...
DANIEL—NOTE ON DANIEL 5:13 Daniel alone is able to decipher the
writing on the wall. It is a message from the true God, telling of the
end of the Babylonian Empire.
DANIEL—NOTE ON DANIEL 5:30 BELSHAZZAR gave Daniel the promised
reward, but it was an empty gift. THAT VERY NIGHT Belshazzar’s rule
ended, when the Medes and the Persians entered Babylon. Belshazzar...
This chapter deservedly a favourite with general readers [126]. The
magnificence, excitement, and revelry of the royal feast; the
profligate kin...
In regard to this chapter the peculiar state of the Septuagint text
has to be noted. At the beginning of the chapter there are three
verses which seem to be...
Shall we turn now in our Bible to Daniel, chapter 5.
Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and
drank wine before the thousands (Daniel 5:1).
There are men who call themse...
Daniel 6:1; Daniel 9:1...
Darius the Mede — This was he that with Cyrus besieged and took
How can the Book of Daniel be inspired if it makes reference to a man
that modern scholarship says never existed?
PROBLEM: According to Daniel 5:31, the kingdom of Belshazzar fell to
the invading armi...