an hundred and twenty satraps] see on Daniel 3:2. No other notice of this organization has come down to us. The Persian empire was first organised into provinces under -satraps" by Darius Hystaspis (522 485 b.c.); and then the satrapies were only 20 in number (Herod. iii. 89 [264]). The statement, upon independent grounds, is not probable; and if it is true that there was no king -Darius the Mede," some error or confusion must manifestly underlie it. It may have been suggested by the 127 provinces, into which, according to Esther 1:1; Esther 8:9, the Persian empire was divided under Xerxes.

[264] The Behistun Inscription; of Darius (col. i. par. 6) enumerates 23 provinces; the later (sepulchral) inscription of Naksh-i-Rustam (l. 7 9), 29: see RP.1 iii, v. 151 f. Darius, in the first of these inscriptions, mentions the -satrap" of Bactria, and the -satrap" of Arachotia (col. iii par. 3 and 9). See further details in Rawl., Anc. Mon.4 iii. 417 ff.

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