afraid affrighted (R.V.), as Isaiah 21:4, A.V. (Job 7:14 al.-terrify"): -afraid" is not strong enough. At the approach of the celestial being Daniel is terrified.

fell upon my face a mark of awe or respect (Genesis 17:3; Judges 13:20; Ruth 2:10, al.); cf. in the visions of Ezekiel, Ezekiel 1:28; Ezekiel 3:23; Ezekiel 9:8; Ezekiel 11:13; Ezekiel 43:3; Ezekiel 44:4.

son of man Borrowed, no doubt, from the book of Ezekiel, where it is the standing title by which the prophet is addressed (Daniel 2:1; Daniel 2:3; Daniel 2:6; Daniel 2:8; Daniel 3:1; Daniel 3:3-4; Daniel 3:10; Daniel 3:17; Daniel 3:25, &c. more than a hundred times altogether).

for the vision belongeth to the time of the end and therefore deserves attention. The -time of the end" is a standing expression in Daniel (Daniel 11:35; Daniel 11:40; Daniel 12:4; Daniel 12:9; cf. -the appointed-time [מועד] of the end" Daniel 8:19, and -the end" Daniel 9:26 b), and means (spoken from Daniel's standpoint) the period of Antiochus's persecution, together with the short interval, consisting of a few months, which followed before his death (Daniel 11:35; Daniel 11:40), that being, in the view of the author, the -end" of the present condition of things, and the divine kingdom (Daniel 7:14; Daniel 7:18; Daniel 7:22; Daniel 7:27; Daniel 12:2-3) being established immediately afterwards. This sense of -end" is based probably upon the use of the word in Amos 8:2; Ezekiel 7:2, -an end is come, the end is come upon the four corners of the land," 3, 6: cf. also -in the time of the iniquity of the end," Ezekiel 21:25; Ezekiel 21:29; Ezekiel 35:5; and Habakkuk 2:3, -For the vision is yet for the appointed-time [has reference to the time of its destined fulfilment], and it hasteth toward the end."

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