I fell into a dead sleep Daniel was alarmed when the angel approached (Daniel 8:17): when he spoke to him, he fell paralysed and motionless or, as we might say (in a figurative sense), stunnedupon his face (cf. the similar passage, Daniel 10:9). The word is used of a deep sleep, Judges 4:21; Psalms 76:6 (here of the sleep of death): cf. the corresponding subst., Genesis 2:21; Genesis 15:12; 1 Samuel 26:12; Isaiah 29:10 (here fig. of insensibility).

set me upright lit. made me stand upon my standing(cf. Daniel 8:17 Heb.), a late Heb. idiom for in my place, where I had stood(R.V. marg.), 2 Chronicles 30:16; 2 Chronicles 34:31; Nehemiah 13:11, al.: in the same application as here, Daniel 10:11. For the fear occasioned by a vision, and the restoration by an angelic touch, cf. Daniel 10:8; Daniel 10:10; Daniel 10:16; Daniel 10:18; Enoch lx. 3, 4; 2Es 5:14-15.

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