And throughproperly, on(the basis of) his understanding] or insight, cleverness, usually in a good sense (1 Samuel 25:3; Job 17:4, al.), here in a bad sense = astuteness.

he(without -also") [328] will cause deceit to prosper in his hand his intrigues will prove successful (cf. Daniel 11:23, also of Antiochus). For -in his hand," cf. Genesis 39:3; Isaiah 53:10.

[328] See on the construction Ges.-Kautzsch, § 112. 5, or the writer's Hebrew Tenses, § 123 γ. It is against the reading of lxx (followed by Grätz and Bevan), that שׂכל does not signify διανόημα, or -mind."

and in his heart he will shew greatness] i.e. here (cf. on Daniel 8:4), devise proud, presumptuous schemes. Comp. the expression - greatnessof heart" Isaiah 9:9; Isaiah 10:12 (A.V. -stoutness," -stout").

and in (time of) security he will destroy many i.e. he will come upon them unawares, and destroy them while off their guard. Many modern scholars render indeed by unawares, supposing that the Heb. expression (בשלוה -in tranquillity") is used with the force of a similar Aramaic idiom מן שלי suddenly, unawares, (lit. out of quiet): see e.g. Jeremiah 4:20, Pesh. The same expression recurs in ch. Daniel 11:21; Daniel 11:24 (LXX. both times ἐξάπινα), also of Antiochus. Comp. 1Ma 1:29-30, where it is related how Antiochus's chief collector of tribute, Apollonius, came to Jerusalem, and -spake words of peace unto them in subtilty, and they gave him credence; and he fell upon the city suddenly (ἐξάπινα : Pesh. מן שלי)," and killed many of its inhabitants (cf. 2Ma 5:23-26).

the Prince of princes i.e. God, the -prince of the host" of Daniel 8:11. Cf. Daniel 2:47; and the -Lord of lords" of Deuteronomy 10:17; Psalms 136:3.

broken without hand i.e. not by human means, but by a Divine intervention; cf. Daniel 2:34, with the note. Antiochus died suddenly, in b.c. 164, a few months after the re-dedication of the Temple (25 Chisleu [Dec.], 165), apparently from some mental disorder, such as might well suggest the idea of a Divine stroke, at Tabae in Persia (see p. 194 f.).

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