hearken unto the prayer, &c. A reminiscence of 1 Kings 8:28 (2 Chronicles 6:19). Similarly Nehemiah 1:6; Nehemiah 1:11 (from 1 Kings 8:29).

cause thy face to shine upon i.e. be favourable to: Numbers 6:25; Psalms 68:1; Psalms 80:3; Psalms 80:7; Psalms 80:19 (in a prayer for help, as here), Psalms 119:135.

desolate The word (shâmçm) used in Lamentations 5:18, -mount Zion, which is desolate" (cf. 1Ma 4:38), chosen perhaps at the same time with allusion to the transgression, or abomination, -causing appalment" (shômçm, měshômçm), of Daniel 8:13; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31; Daniel 12:11.

for the Lord's sake The words in themselves occasion no difficulty (cf. Daniel 9:19; Isaiah 48:11, -for mine own sake"), though for thy name's sakewould be more usual (Jeremiah 14:7; Jeremiah 14:21; Psalms 79:9): Jehovah's honour, or reputation, it is implied, would be impaired, if His sanctuary remained longer in a basement; out of regard to Himself, therefore, He is entreated to interfere. But the third personin the midst of a series of petitions in the second person, is very strange: it is probable, therefore, that either a letter or a word has dropped out in the Heb., and that we should read, either with Theod., Prince, for thine own sake, O Lord(cf. Daniel 9:19), or with LXX, Bevan, Marti, for thy servants" sake, O Lordas in the very similar appeal of Isaiah 63:17).

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