The priests the Levites This double title, peculiar to D, is found both in the Code, Deuteronomy 17:9; Deuteronomy 17:18; Deuteronomy 24:8 (cp. Deuteronomy 21:5: the priests the sons of Levi) and in Deuteronomy 27:9 (edit.?), cp. Deuteronomy 31:9. By God's appointment (Deuteronomy 18:5) all members of the tribe of Levi were priests de jure, but in consequence of the law abolishing the rural altars and rendering priestly functions impossible except in the Temple, a member of the tribe while resident in the country is called Levite alone the Levite within thy gatesand can secure the name and the rights of a priestonly when he removes to Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 18:6); where however he does not cease to be called Levite(Deuteronomy 18:7). With this distinction the priestsand the Levitesare to D synonymous. This is further emphasised by the addition

all the tribe of Levi The andprefixed by the A.V. and R.V. Marg. is not in the Heb., in which the phrase stands in apposition to the priests the Levites. There is therefore no possibility in the interpretation that D intended by Levites -all other members of the tribe of Levi." This interpretation is a forced attempt to reconcile D's law with those of P which distinguish between priests and Levites.

no portion nor inheritance with Israel Cp. Deuteronomy 10:9 (with his brethren), Deuteronomy 12:12 (with you), Deuteronomy 14:27; Deuteronomy 14:29 (with thee), and the deuteronomic Joshua 13:14; Joshua 13:33; Joshua 18:7. The tribe are landless. So in P, Numbers 18:20; Numbers 18:23 f., Numbers 26:62.

they shall eat live, or subsist, by; cp. Ar. "ukul(from the same root) -means of subsistence."

the offerings of the Lord made by fire This expression, an early instance of which occurs in 1 Samuel 2:28, is found more than 60 times in P and nowhere else (the grammar shows that it is an intrusion. Joshua 13:14).

and his inheritance all other offerings to the Deity, such as are detailed in Deuteronomy 18:4.

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