to thine house Lit. to the midst of thy household.

shave her head, and pare her nails Heb. makeor dress her nails(2 Samuel 19:24 with feetand beard). Berth. thinks these duties are part of the following mourning, the cutting off of hair being a mourning rite (Deuteronomy 14:1, Ethn. Ber., 427). But because she has to do this at once and at the same time put off the raimentshe was taken in, it is more probable that all three are required as elements in her purification from heathenism (so most commentators); see above, pp. 243 f. On similar customs among Arabs, cp. W. R. Smith, Kinship, etc., 178, OTJC2, 368, Wellh., Reste Arab. Heid.156.

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