let her go Lit. dismiss, the term for divorce, the right of which was the husband's alone, but in this case is qualified by the following.

whither she will Lit. according to her desire; therefore rather as she will, as full mistress of herself; cp. Jeremiah 34:16 of freed slaves.

thou shalt not sell her, etc.] So in E, Exodus 21:8, of the married slave whom her husband wishes to divorce.

deal with her as a slave Only here and Deuteronomy 24:7. Although the Ar. forms of the root imply rancour or malice, the Heb. vb seems only to mean deal with her as her owner (Driver, -play the master over her").

because, etc.] Cp Deuteronomy 22:24; Deuteronomy 22:29.

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