Forgive the meaning of this technical term, kipper, is usually taken either from the Ar. form = to cover, or the Syr. = to wipeaway, the latter being also its meaning in Assyr. (Zimmern in KAT3 [144], 601, 650). See Driver's note here.

[144] Die Keilinschriften und das AIte Testament, 3rd edition (1903), by H. Zimmern and H. Winckler.

whom thou hast redeemed In the Hex. peculiar to D, see on Deuteronomy 7:8.

suffer Heb. give, i.e. appoint, attachor impute.

thy people Israel The guilt of such a crime affected not only the people of the commune where it was committed but all Israel (cp. Numbers 35:33). Was this idea in the original law, or added by D? Apparently D's addition begins with the opening of the next v.

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