Of Intercourse with a Betrothed Virgin: (1) Deuteronomy 22:23 f., with her consent, in which case both she and the man are stoned, as in the case of Adultery (Deuteronomy 22:22), for the bride-price having been paid at betrothal the woman is as good as married (Genesis 29:21; Joel 1:8); (2) Deuteronomy 22:25, without her consent, in which case the man alone dies and nothing is done to the woman. These two laws are peculiar to D. Note in Deuteronomy 22:24 the Pl. address, and also in Deuteronomy 22:26 according to Sam. LXX, but Heb. has here the Sg.

For such cases Ḫammurabi has but one law, § 130: If a man has ravished another's betrothed, who is virgin, while still in her father's house, and has been caught in the act, that man shall die, but the woman go free. Among the Arabs if the woman is unmarried her relatives are not obliged to kill her, but no one may marry her (Musil, Ethn. Ber.210).

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