the boil of Egypt Cp. P, Exodus 9:9 with Driver's note. One of the skin-diseases common in Egypt. Boil, Heb. sheḥîn; Eg. sḥn, -an abscess." Some think of small-pox, others of elephantiasis. But it may be the bubonic plague; see next note.

emerods LXX ἕλκος Αἰγ. εἰς τὴν ἕδραν. Rather, as R.V. marg., tumours; Heb. -ophalim, swellings. Probably the buboes of the bubonic plague (so Macalister). On this see HGHL, 157 ff.

scurvy Heb. garab(Ar. garab= mange), Leviticus 21:20; Leviticus 22:22; LXX ψώρα ἀγρία, Vulg. scabies. -Favus" (Macalister).

itch Heb. ḥeres, Leviticus 21:20, LXX κνήφη, Vulg. prurigo.

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