curse Rather oath, for it is on the strength of Jehovah's oath to be Israel's God and so to protect them, that this Israelite flatters himself he is secure, no matter how he may behave. In the history of religion such a delusion has been lamentably frequent, and believers in extreme doctrines of election have presumed on these and recklessly indulged in evil.

bless himself in his heart Flatter himself! Found only here.

stubbornness Heb. sherirûth, firmness but always in a bad sense; only here, Jeremiah 3:17; Jeremiah 7:24; Jeremiah 9:13; Jeremiah 11:8; Jeremiah 13:10; Jeremiah 16:12; Jeremiah 18:12; Jeremiah 23:17, and in Psalms 81:12 (13). This of course is not the man's own, but the writer's, view of him.

to destroy the moist with the dry An unmeaning translation. The construction is elliptic and we should render: so as to sweep away the moist(herbage?) with the dried up; bring down a hurricane of destruction that would uproot the whole people, so fatal is the infectiousness, and so universal will be God's punishment, of idolatry.

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