dwelling place As in Psalms 90:1. A.V. refuge; and some moderns thy refugeby emending the text. The LXX renders the line καὶ σκεπάσει σε Θεοῦ ἀρχή.

And underneath are the everlasting arms Berth. and Marti oddly declare this beautiful line unintelligible, on the ground that the arms of God inhabiting heaven (Deuteronomy 33:26) cannot at the same time be conceived as beneath His people! By changing one consonant and pointing others differently they substitute and the power(arms) of the wicked was broken. But the figure of the arms underneath (cp. Hosea 11:3; Psalms 89:21 (22)) comes in naturally after the other of God as a dwelling or refuge; -God at once the foundation and the roof of their abode" (Calvin).

And he drave out; in Hex. only here and in JE (frequently); not in D nor deut. passages.

And said, Destroy A line of but 2 stresses.

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