And the Lord commanded me at that time, etc.] Heb. emphasises me; these additional laws given through Moses appear, from the following phrase, to be the laws he is now about to publish, cp. Deuteronomy 4:5; yet the words at that timepoint to the inclusion with them of the laws at Ḥoreb, E, Exodus 20:22 to Exodus 23:33.

whither ye go over to possess it A phrase peculiar to passages in the Pl. address. Contrast Deuteronomy 4:5. See on Deuteronomy 6:1.

Deuteronomy 4:13 f. form a slight digression from the main subject of 9 24, and are taken by some as a later intrusion. But this is to forget the general discursiveness of the author. See too next note.

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