Remember, forget thou not More musical without the intervening andwhich Sam. inserts.

thou provokedst … to wrath See on Deuteronomy 1:34.

7 b. It is in this clause that the Sg. form of address ceases and the Pl. begins, to continue up to Deuteronomy 10:9 or 11. Coincidently exhortation is replaced by a historical retrospect: a retrospect similar to the discourse in chs. 1 3, not merely by being couched in the Pl. as that also is, but by other features of its style and by its dependence (even more full and literal) on JE. With no reference to the P narrative with which the JE has been interlaced, Exodus 24:12-18 it is supplementary to 1 3 for it gives an account of the legislation at Ḥoreb, which that discourse lacks. On these grounds the section has been assigned to the same author as 1 3 (Horst, Bertholet, etc.); while Steuern. takes it as the continuation of the Pl. discourse in ch. 5, and as having originally formed with that the introduction to the Law Code by the writer who used the PL address throughout (see Introd.). On this compare supplementary note at the end of the section; and for possible additions especially in Deuteronomy 9:10 see the separate notes. Driver, Deut.112, gives a comparative table of the section and the corresponding passages in JE on which it is based. Notice how the divine title is given simply as Jehovahwithout the usual deuteronomic addition thy God(nowhere except in Deuteronomy 9:16; Deuteronomy 9:23). The style of the section is instructive both as to the way in which the original deuteronomic writer expanded JE and subsequent editors made further expansion by the addition of deuteronomic formulas.

Sam. and LXX differ from Heb. as to where the Pl. begins, reading ye went forthfor thou wentest forth: possibly original, the Heb. Sg. being due to the omission of a consonant before its double in the next word 1 [128]; and the transition being more likely just here. Whether Deuteronomy 9:7 band even Deuteronomy 9:8 as Steuern. supposes are from the hand of the editor who joined the originally separate sections is uncertain. Notice in Deuteronomy 9:7 b, Deuteronomy 9:8 phrases which like the rest of this Pl. section recall chs. 1 3.

[128] Does the Pasaḳ in the Massoretic text indicate a lost letter?

until ye came unto this place Deuteronomy 1:31.

ye have been rebellious against Jehovah] been acting rebellion(part. with auxil. verb: a frequent constr. in Deut.) with(i.e. in your dealings with) Jehovah. The same constr. Deuteronomy 9:24; Deuteronomy 31:27. A different constr. of same verb Deuteronomy 1:26 q.v.

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